Episode Archive
221 episodes of Modern Classrooms Project Podcast since the first episode, which aired on August 4th, 2020.
Episode 155: Grading Beliefs and Mindsets
September 3rd, 2023 | 48 mins 41 secs
Zach is joined by Kaitlyn McGillicuddy to discuss mindsets around grades and grading, and in particular her use of standards-based grading to address some of the problems inherent in traditional grading systems.
Episode 154: Teacher Wellness
August 27th, 2023 | 55 mins 35 secs
Toni Rose is joined by Jamilah Pitts to discuss the value of authentic self care and the importance teacher wellness and wellbeing in building a movement toward educational change.
Episode 153: How to Implement an AED Program in School
August 20th, 2023 | 29 mins 24 secs
Toni Rose is joined by Michael Riggs to discuss the impact and importance of having an AED training program in schools and beyond.
Episode 152: Embracing Resistance
August 13th, 2023 | 49 mins 6 secs
Toni Rose and Zach discuss the variety of emotions that can come with implementing an alternative educational model and beginning a new school year.
Episode 151: Humanizing Teaching Practices
August 8th, 2023 | 57 mins 24 secs
For Season Four's inaugural episode, Zach is joined by Paul France to discuss practices that foster personalized learning and make teaching more sustainable.
Episode 150: Shortcast Episode 79 - Opening and Closing Routines
July 30th, 2023 | 14 mins 14 secs
Toni Rose is joined by Jess Bille to discuss using opening and closing routines to streamline classroom activities in both in-person and virtual/hybrid classes.
Episode 149: Shortcast Episode 73 - Elementary Self Pacing
July 23rd, 2023 | 13 mins 30 secs
Toni Rose is joined by MCP Mentors Calla Miller and Sarah Krasowski to talk about how they implement and manage self-pacing in their Elementary (1st and 5th grade) classrooms.
Episode 148: Shortcast E46 - Classroom Design
July 16th, 2023 | 15 mins 23 secs
In this episode, Kate is joined by MCP Program Director Debbie Menard to explore classroom set-up and systems that can help facilitate blended, self-paced, mastery-based learning.
Episode 147: Shortcast - Episode 23: Manageable Grading in a Modern Classroom
July 9th, 2023 | 14 mins 10 secs
In this week's episode, we discuss systems and strategies Modern Classroom educators employ to make mastery-based grading sustainable in their classrooms.
Episode 146: Data Equity
July 2nd, 2023 | 38 mins 27 secs
Toni Rose is joined by Emily Persons, Research and Evaluation Manager at MCP, to discuss equitable mindsets and approaches for working with and gather data.
Episode 145: Shortcast - Episode 18: Building Effective Instructional Videos
June 25th, 2023 | 18 mins 15 secs
On this week's episode, we discuss the benefits of using instructional videos in a self-paced class, best practices for building instructional videos, and strategies educators can use to build engagement with their video lessons
Episode 144: From the Archive - Episode 5: Supporting Disengaged Students
June 18th, 2023 | 51 mins 46 secs
Kareem is joined by Dacia Guffey and Shane Donavan to discuss some of the reasons students disengage and ways to address disengagement in the classroom and in remote learning.
Episode 143: Shortcast - Episode 2: Rolling Out the Model
June 11th, 2023 | 13 mins 47 secs
Kareem and Zach are joined by Monte Woodard, a middle school Science Teacher and Modern Classrooms implementer, to discuss rolling out the model and introducing students and families to the Modern Classrooms approach
Episode 142: Shortcast: Highlights from Episode 1
June 4th, 2023 | 16 mins 21 secs
Modern Classrooms Project co-founder and Executive Director Kareem Farah, and Modern Classroom Mentor Zach Diamond, discuss the origins of their instructional model as well as their experiences implementing it.
Episode 141: Teacher Reflection
May 28th, 2023 | 37 mins 37 secs
Monte is joined by Chris Isip to talk about reflecting on one's own teaching practices in order to grow and improve.
Episode 140: Responsive Teaching and Data Collection
May 21st, 2023 | 1 hr 11 secs
Monte is joined by Melissa Stagg to discuss working with neurodivergent students, responsive to student needs, and using data to modify and inform the practice of teaching.