Episode 187

Early Learners

Your Host
Special Guests

About this Episode

Toni Rose is joined by Kendra Jergovic and Nick LeDoux to talk about how they use the MCP model to work with very young (1st grade) learners.

Read a summary of this episode on the Modern Classrooms Project blog.

Learning Experiences for the Upcoming Week

  • Looking for virtual connection? Join our implementer meetup on Wednesday, May 8 at 7 pm EST to connect with other Modern Classroom educators.

  • Join our edWebinar for a discussion where experienced special education educators share their insights on creating a thriving classroom that celebrates all learners: Fostering Inclusivity: Navigating Special Education in Student-Centered Classrooms on Thursday, May 9 at 6pm ET. Register here.**

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The Modern Classrooms Podcast is edited by Zach Diamond: @zpdiamond on Twitter and Learning to Teach