Episode 188


Your Host
Special Guest

About this Episode

Toni Rose is joined by Vishal Shah, CEO of Screencastify, to talk about how teachers, students, and industry professionals use Screencastify's various platforms and tools.

Read a summary of this episode on the Modern Classrooms Project blog.

Show Notes

Learning Experiences for the Upcoming Week

  • Applications have opened up for this summer's Virtual Mentorship Program. We’re working to match 6,000 educators with experienced educator mentors who can help build skills around using technology effectively, teaching students how to be more self-directed, and increasing motivation and effort in the classroom. If you’ve always wanted a mentor when implementing our model, now’s the time to apply. Apply here: https://bit.ly/43G7Y71

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The Modern Classrooms Podcast is edited by Zach Diamond: @zpdiamond on Twitter and Learning to Teach