Episode 9

Planning and Teaching in a Modern Classroom


October 25th, 2020

51 mins 2 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

Kareem is joined by Nora Barnett and Lisa Doty to discuss in detail how they plan and implement their modern classrooms, from planning and recording instructional videos, to implementing self-paced structures and mastery checks.

Show Notes

Cult of Pedagogy Podcast episode on Screencast Videos (Kareem was the guest on this episode)

MCP Exemplar Units

Edutopia video

Universal Design for Learning

High Quality Blended Instruction: research-based best practices

Examples of Pacing Trackers showing lesson classification

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  • Kareem: @kareemfarah23 on Twitter
  • Kate: @gaskill_teacher on Twitter
  • Zach: @zpdiamond on Twitter
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