Episode 227
From Content- to Skills-Based Teaching With MCP
February 23rd, 2025
1 hr 5 mins 8 secs
About this Episode
Zach is joined by Carson Hickox to talk about how MCP transformed his middle school social studies classroom and his approach to teaching in general.
Show Notes
"Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning," by Mike Schmoker
You can email Carson at carson.hickox@modernclassrooms.org
Learning Experiences for the Upcoming Week
Want to connect with other educators of color who are creating a more student-centered learning environment? Join our monthly Shades of Excellence meetup on Monday, February 24, 7pm ET. Register here.
Do the students in your community have different needs? In a diverse world, that’s inevitable, and it can feel impossible for a teacher or school to meet every learner’s needs at once. But there are evidence-based ways to help every student achieve their potential. In this edLeader Panel, you will discover classroom-tested techniques that your teachers can use right away to keep each of their students appropriately challenged—and appropriately supported—every day. Join us on February 25, at 5 pm ET.
We are reading Rob Barnett’s Meet Every Learner’s Needs together as a community and our second session is on Redesigning Courses sponsored by ScreenPal on Wednesday, March 5 9 at 7:00pm ET. Register and join us in sharing ideas, questions, and resources.**
Contact us, follow us online, and learn more:
- Email us questions and feedback at: podcast@modernclassrooms.org
- Listen to this podcast on Youtube
- Modern Classrooms: @modernclassproj on Twitter and facebook.com/modernclassproj
- Kareem: @kareemfarah23 on Twitter
- Toni Rose: @classroomflex on Twitter and Instagram
- The Modern Classroom Project
- Modern Classrooms Online Course
- Take our free online course, or sign up for our mentorship program to receive personalized guidance from a Modern Classrooms mentor as you implement your own modern classroom!
The Modern Classrooms Podcast is edited by Zach Diamond: @zpdiamond on Twitter and Learning to Teach